Here is my support corner where you will find links to my creations which you can enjoy for free or small fee.
For now my Payhip page has my designs, planners, and workbooks either for a small fee to support me or free of charge. Time after time you will find here also seasonal discounts. Some day when I have time to figure out, how to add them here with same flexible conditions – they will be here.
In case you prefer printed calendars and journals check out my Lulu’s page.
If you have something you need help with – check out my Ko-Fi page or let m know and we can figure something out 😉
I am still figuring out life, dream home and new job so I can’t promise fixed dates for new updates, but I will create new stuff as my creative side and free time allows me. Last few years have taught me lot and most importantly to put my health, well-being, and my family first. As should you.
Your support is highly appreciated!