Hunting dream home
Dream home stories

Hunting dream home

For years we have had a dream – our own dream home. Last few years this itch has gotten worse and worse so we started hunting for a dream home like a part-time job. About two years ago we had hope that now – so we started hunting dream home. We had a vision – a large backyard, close to the woods, away from people. Sounds easy?

We found one place – in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but fields and woods in a 10-kilometer radius. But before we had a chance to take a closer look our financing plans were changed. So we had to rethink and regather ourselves. Still, part-time browse all real estate sites to keep an eye on what is the market status. Hoping and dreaming.


We made a checklist of criteria important to us:

  • Access and location
  • Land size
  • Condition
  • House size
  • Public transportation in a walkable radius
  • Private

We agreed on all these terms so we could search online separately for the same thing. As time passed – we changed terms, lowered some expectations, and redefined what is really most important to us.

New hope

This year we had gathered ourselves and could almost touch the goal. As new hope rose – we went through every possible site until we basically knew all the ads by heart. We found one that looked great in the pictures. So we called up and went to see. By pictures, it seemed perfect – a nicely big house (5 rooms) over a hectare of land, a nice porch where to drink coffee and enjoy dinners in summer. But when we got there – the neighbor’s house was right across the porch and about 10 meters. So no privacy. So dream shattered. No privacy. Constant traffic from neighbors and since we have few months a year with a lot of snow – so possible arguments about who and when has to keep his unnecessary road clear of snow. Doesn’t sound like a peaceful dream home.

Where is our dream home?

The more we searched the worse options seemed to get. And when during summer there were almost every day few new ads on the market. Suddenly there was silence and made us really question – where have all the houses gone? So we changed our criteria. Changed the budget and widened search area to the whole Estonia – secretly limiting ourselves that from capital max 1-hour drive. Since at least for now we both work in the capital. We had a dream to find a place to move right in – home for Christmas.

So the goal

But we tossed this one. And agreed that we have waited so long, we are not 20 anymore and really really don’t want to move ever again. So the goal was to find a place where we could feel at home. Where we would want to settle in. That the most important is the home feeling, we have to want to be there. Want to be home. We can always change jobs. Or create our own jobs. Or I will crack the code making money with a blog. It is easier to change job location – one way or another. But not home.

So our most important criteria became – feeling at home. Feeling, that we want to be and stay. And privacy. Neither of us can’t stand the thought of a neighbor looking into our house – from theirs.

Found it – our dream home!

It’s nothing like we pictured it to be. And it’s everything we pictured it to be. At the same time. Schrodinger’s Cat.

It needs work and repairs before we can move in. Possible that we will create guesthouse first so we could fix up main house living at sight. So stay tuned – I will share our adventure of fixing up our dream home.